• Feedback: 7Oaks New Athlete Session

    a)      What did you want to get out of the session?  Simple technique pointers

    b)      Did you get what you wanted?  Yes

    c)       Do you think that the session was good value for money?  Definitely

    d)      Was there any topic that you would like to see included?   How to ride a bike up those hills !

    e)      Is there anything that your coach could have done better?   No it was brilliant

    f)       Please rate the venue and facilities on a scale of 1-10 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.  10

    g)      Please add here any other comments that you may have about the session or your coach: loved it really well balanced want to try the swim technique next and do you do bike training.

    Overall it was really good and helped me understand what I need to do to achieve a 70.3.